Monday, September 15, 2014

London: Day 1

We're back in my favorite city to visit! Landed in London this morning to sunny skies and summer weather. True to my serial over-packing nature, me and my 50-pound suitcase made the trek from the airport to our rental unit with a lot of stubbed toes, groaning and weight lifting. Thank god, my suitcase is sturdy or else it would have been in a million plastic pieces along the concrete cobbled roads of London. The highlight of the journey was a cute British dude asking to help carry the suitcase up two flights of stairs. Class act all the way, London-town.

Places visited: Big Ben, Parliament Square, Westminster Abbey, Picadilly Circus, Chinatown

Restaurants: Waxy O'Connors in Picadilly Circus

It was really nice to walk around every where and enjoy the true summer weather. The site of Big Ben and the beautiful architecture surrounding it never gets old. We got to experience it right as the sun was setting so it made for some beautiful colors reflects off the metals.